Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the Eve of Good Friday...let me say....

... it pains me that a Catholic turned Wiccan needs to be the one reminded people of what the whole purpose of Good Friday actually is.

Listen up Cafeteria Catholics and your innate sense of guilt - Good Friday was meant to be a DAY OF FASTING.

Fasting, abstention from food, and often also from drink, for a longer than usual period. Fasting has been practiced for centuries in connection with religious ceremonies. MSN Encarta

Following is stated in the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church.

Can. 1250 The penitential days and times in the universal Church are every Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent.

Can. 1251 Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

That in NO WAY means that you should line up at your local fish shoppe and stuff your face with Fish, Chips, Dressing, Onion Rings and Gravy.

Which brings me to my next point. Even if you consider yourself religious and are taking today's Good Friday practises as not being able to consume meat - most people obviously need to do a lil more research into that subject.

GRAVY is meat people - it is juices from the cooked flesh OF AN ANIMAL = meat. If you are believer that fish is not meat - there is no such thing as FISH GRAVY.

ALSO - if you are a believer that fish is not meat - ask yourself why? It used to be because fish are not warm blooded animals, not mammals, not considered to be meat. And, since we don't eat many things "not considered to be meat" - fish is the Cafeteria Catholics answer to the day of fasting, fondly known as Good Friday.

Now I can kinda understand the logic behind this lil bending of the actual rules for practising your faith. However, how a grown, supposedly intelligent, person can look you in the eye (while judging you and your hell-bound lifestyle)and say that they are a devout Catholic (hence a better person than you)while shoveling Seal Flipper Pie in their mouth smothered in gravy - that is something I cannot understand.

Seal = warm blooded = live born babies = mammal = animal = MEAT PEOPLE. Don't try and tell me that because it comes out of the ocean it is not meat. You are just making your chosen religion look bad and insulting the intelligence of others.

Anyway, that is my first rant about organized religion and the types of masses that follow it. Stay tuned for further blasphemous pieces.

Dammit - I was supposed to give up religion for lent :(

***NOTE*** by the way - before you go blasting me about the Catholic religion and my lack of knowledge about it. I was raised in a strict Catholic household in early childhood (my grandmothers house) and when I moved in with my parents I often got up and went to church by myself (or with a neighbour) when my parents chose not to go. I also was a Eucharistic minister as well as a Confirmation counsellor AND went to a Catholic school until amalgamation.


  1. i love your ending. You're arguments are well researched, well scripted and well just damn true! Far better than most debates surrounding Christianity that by no means evaluates and explores both sides before a decision is made. Alright so if any one comments in a negative manner it is a direct result of the insecurity and denial that the time they waste in church, or talking to Jesus is nothing more than a neatly arranged set of lies entangled in a web of good intentions, power struggles and social controls.

  2. Love your rant and completely agree with you. :)

    Question for you - How did you get into Wicca? I have been very interested for about ten years now and would love to learn more.

    Have a good long weekend!

  3. I am what is referred to as a Solitary practicer. Meaning I am not part of an organised Coven or like-minded group. I have always had an interest in it. When I was a kid visiting St. John's I wished in the fountain at the Village Mall to become a "witch" (I also wished for my sister in there and that came true). I have read up on it from library books, books I bought at stores (both second hand and new), read teachings online, enrolled in Wicca History classes. It is difficult because it is not as easy as entering a church and listening to someone preach to/ teach you about the way of faith - but it is definitely more personal and rewarding. In my opinion.
