Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cheers to Change
Sounds like someone from the Obama camp, right?
Well - it is the only way to sum up what has been going on in my home camp lately.
Sissy getting married, travel to new places, rekindling of old friendships, being made a godmother, leaving one job, starting another, moving and moving on - it is a lot of swirling and whirling going on in one person's life.
But. It is all for the better.
Even though my work ethic was strong and I have a strong passion for print - I chose to leave my old job as an account manager for a regional magazine and take a break from it all. The work environment was poisonous and there was no where left to grow - hence - time to move on. In less than 24 hours, I had another sales job - this time in high end retail. Which I am super happy about - and I was able to take a little over a month off before my start time. That gave me the opportunity to clean myself of all of the negativity and frustration built up about my old position and get ready for the new. It also gave me time to move into a new residence with the man I love, go and spend and entire week with my beloved sister in Fort McMurray in order to get ready for her wedding and the beginning of a new chapter in her life. For all of this I am grateful.
The down time left me with time to think, time to prioritize, time to heal spiritually, and for that I feel as though I have grown and become all the better for it.
I was able to figure out who is important in my life, weed out the people that were cluttering up my emotions;time;and energy, figure out what is valuable in a sense of both material and non-material things, and become ambitious and happy with the life I lead and what I have chosen to surround me.
You only live once - that is often said in reference to doing something crazy or taking a chance. But it should also apply to just our every day decisions. Each and every day should be as happy and fulfilling as you would like for them to be in a sense of what you have control over. One should not stay in a place they are not happy - for no reason. One should not surround themselves with people who bring drama and anxiety into their lives whether it be a significant other or someone who you are in a "friendship" with.
I know it all seems ideal and easier said than done - but having done it. And experiencing the feeling that comes with it. The feeling of release and almost weightlessness - it is more attainable than most would think. We don't HAVE to spend 80% of our lives in a job/workplace that makes us unhappy. We don't HAVE to invite that person who you know will ruin the experience/day for you. We don't HAVE to give up any of our very valuable time that we have in life to deal with unpleasant things that we have control over.
And when I keep saying "control over" - of course I mean I am not delusional - there will always be that bad day, that fender bender, death, and spats with your significant other - I am not saying to avoid EVERYTHING - but before you do take it on - ask yourself how much it means to you. Weigh the Happiness vrs Unhappiness that it brings you - and then judge accordingly.
Wedding Bells
So she finally did it! SistA - my blood sister and fellow blogger tied the knot in the industrious Fort McMurray this summer and what a great time we had! It was amazing.
Having gone up there a week early to help out - there was plenty of time to do stuff non-wedding related. Like Skeet Shooting, Kick-Boxing, checking out the Natural Museum for Oil Sands, eat sunshine bread, etc. etc.
The flowers were worth it - 100% - as you can plainly see.
Having gone up there a week early to help out - there was plenty of time to do stuff non-wedding related. Like Skeet Shooting, Kick-Boxing, checking out the Natural Museum for Oil Sands, eat sunshine bread, etc. etc.
And of course wedding related would be, folding flowers, checking on cake status, Bachelorette party, hair, nails, folding flowers, rehersal, rehersal party, folding flowers, picking out music, folding flowers, picking up family at the airport, oh and did I mention - folding flowers.
The flowers were worth it - 100% - as you can plainly see.
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Potted flowers for tables. |
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Hedges for head table. |
With family and friends all around, it made for a great time :)
More to follow when the professinal pictures are available.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Magazines sell beautiful things.
There is no doubt that I am biased when it comes to advertising, the art of it, and the media it is used in. I have been working in Magazine Ad sales for 5 years and it is a constant learning experience. Ever growing, ever changing, ever morphing to meet the needs of todays reader and consumer alike.
The company that I currently work for is a juggernaut that has a publication for just about everything that could be profitable in our province. A lifestyle magazine, motorcycle magazine, construction business magazine, workers magazine, adventure guide, cooking supplement, and of course web elements to all of these individual properties. If nothing else, this diversity of publications has taught me how to create a fit for just about every business accessible to me and even some who were considered to be inaccessible.
But the point of this little write up is this...
Magazine ads Sell Beautiful Things
When was the last time you saw someone RECORD a t.v. ad because of the coat that was in it? Or print off a web ad because of the computer that was in it? Or RECORD a radio commerical and play it back to themselves to as to drive them towards the goal of a purchase?
How often do you see magazine ads torn out. Scrap booked. Stuck to bullitin boards, walls, mirrors, fridges, dashboards, visors, kept in wallets?
All the time.
The shine and the gloss of the paper. The colorful display. The artistic vision of the photographer. All of it ads to the magic of advertising.
It drives us to want and desire.
We cut out the images and place them in places to look at them again and again. Driving ourselves.
Our perfect ring, the greatest dress, the sexiest car, the geekiest computer, the sleekest phone - we all do it.
The same things can be TALKED about in radio. Have gimmicky flash ads on web pages. Blast our eyes and ears for 30 seconds on a television.
But they don't last - they are all fleeting and forgotten.
Magazine ads last. We can look at them for as long as we wish. Keep them. Collect them. Refer to them. Use them to create a dream.
They are beautiful.
Magazine Ads Sell Beautiful Things.
The company that I currently work for is a juggernaut that has a publication for just about everything that could be profitable in our province. A lifestyle magazine, motorcycle magazine, construction business magazine, workers magazine, adventure guide, cooking supplement, and of course web elements to all of these individual properties. If nothing else, this diversity of publications has taught me how to create a fit for just about every business accessible to me and even some who were considered to be inaccessible.
But the point of this little write up is this...
Magazine ads Sell Beautiful Things
When was the last time you saw someone RECORD a t.v. ad because of the coat that was in it? Or print off a web ad because of the computer that was in it? Or RECORD a radio commerical and play it back to themselves to as to drive them towards the goal of a purchase?
How often do you see magazine ads torn out. Scrap booked. Stuck to bullitin boards, walls, mirrors, fridges, dashboards, visors, kept in wallets?
All the time.
The shine and the gloss of the paper. The colorful display. The artistic vision of the photographer. All of it ads to the magic of advertising.
It drives us to want and desire.
We cut out the images and place them in places to look at them again and again. Driving ourselves.
Our perfect ring, the greatest dress, the sexiest car, the geekiest computer, the sleekest phone - we all do it.
The same things can be TALKED about in radio. Have gimmicky flash ads on web pages. Blast our eyes and ears for 30 seconds on a television.
But they don't last - they are all fleeting and forgotten.
Magazine ads last. We can look at them for as long as we wish. Keep them. Collect them. Refer to them. Use them to create a dream.
They are beautiful.
Magazine Ads Sell Beautiful Things.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Texts From Last Night/ FailBook
This is the best $0.99 ever spent on an iPhone app, and free on BlackBerry.
The sight is based on random text messages sent to and from people, and they are Hi-Larious! if you remember my review on tucker max, its alot like that, just up to the minute updates, and really really funny. for the site click HERE
Failbook is all the stupid, moronic things said on facebook. May it be from status, or comments, they are all funny, and sometimes people need more funny. FAILBOOK

Monday, May 17, 2010
Titles Mean Nothing!
It doesnt matter if you are dating, engaged, married, married for 20 years - if you meet someone you like better than the one you are with - you should be with them and do what you can to be with them.
Titles mean nothing. People cheat, have affairs, get divorced. What you are calling the person you are with does not change how they feel or their actions in the future.
And, on the surface, that sounds like a jerk thing to say to someone up front.
But - Honest.
There is logic in honesty.
I was young the first time that I heard it - when going steady was a big deal and meant you were off limits. Some of us even had "promise rings". Promise rings? How many people decided that they were not going to take action upon the feelings of their heart because of a cold peice of metal around your finger that was bought by someone else?
There is stength in a couple that stays together because each and every day - they WANT to be together. Not because the church or the state say they HAVE to be together.
Titles mean nothing. People cheat, have affairs, get divorced. What you are calling the person you are with does not change how they feel or their actions in the future.
And, on the surface, that sounds like a jerk thing to say to someone up front.
But - Honest.
There is logic in honesty.
I was young the first time that I heard it - when going steady was a big deal and meant you were off limits. Some of us even had "promise rings". Promise rings? How many people decided that they were not going to take action upon the feelings of their heart because of a cold peice of metal around your finger that was bought by someone else?
There is stength in a couple that stays together because each and every day - they WANT to be together. Not because the church or the state say they HAVE to be together.
Wise Words Spoken
I would think that at some point in every person's life - they receive one good piece of advice that sticks with them throughout.
Mine happened to have been given to me by my Godmother.
I was going through a time where I was stressed, upset, dramatic, unrelenting, and nomadic. I was bouncing from job to job - no real direction to speak of. I had decided to stop pursuing Childhood Education in school due to a recent dislike for kids (one that still stays with me to this day), I was on job number 4 in less than a year, and living with her due to not being able to pay my rent at my last apartment.
Finally - she could take it no more - and in the stage I was in - I have no idea how she managed to sit me down to have this talk with me. But she did. And here it is.
She said to me; "After your name? What is the very next question that people ask you?"
My reply; "I don't know - here in Newfoundland, it's where are your parents from". (Obviously still not sure where she was going with the conversation).
Her response; "Yes - that may be true - but outside of here, and even after that question is asked here - what is the next question that a person asks you? To get to know you? To decide if they want to be associated with you? If they want to get to know you more?"
Again, I respond; "I don't know, Mary."
Finally the answer - "What do you do?"
And there it was, the beginning of a conversation that has lead to the work ethic that I have today.
"The next question that people ask you after they ask your name is - what do you do? They want to know, how educated you are, how responsible you are, where you are going and where you want to be in your life and in your future. You need to ask yourself if you are going to be happy with the answer that you have to give them when that question is asked - will you be proud of yourself with the explanation that you have for what you are doing with your time and what your plans for the future are."
Now, a person's first response to this conversation may be - Who Cares what others think of you as long as you are happy!?!. But that person would be missing the key part of the conversation.
The key part of that that advice/conversation/statement/question is - "Will you be proud of yourself?"
And my answer at that time - at that moment - was no.
No one aspires to be doing nothing with their lives. There is not a single person who doesn't have hopes and dreams to be something great when they find themselves in the career that is earning their living. No ones goal in life is to be financially insecure, living with the assistance of others.
So, almost immediately after that, I got my job at Downhome. Starting off as a retail sales clerk - went back to school to do Architectural Engineering Technology - and then came back to Downhome as a Advertising Account Manager. A job that I love. Each day I am proud of what I do. 7 years later. And, should that job ever change, or should I want to leave - I have something equally exciting and fulfilling to do as a career.
So - Thank You to my Godmother.
And, I guess my message is that when you hear a good piece of advice - listen to it. Think about it. Make it yours. And, it could be the key to making things a little brighter in your life.
Mine happened to have been given to me by my Godmother.
I was going through a time where I was stressed, upset, dramatic, unrelenting, and nomadic. I was bouncing from job to job - no real direction to speak of. I had decided to stop pursuing Childhood Education in school due to a recent dislike for kids (one that still stays with me to this day), I was on job number 4 in less than a year, and living with her due to not being able to pay my rent at my last apartment.
Finally - she could take it no more - and in the stage I was in - I have no idea how she managed to sit me down to have this talk with me. But she did. And here it is.
She said to me; "After your name? What is the very next question that people ask you?"
My reply; "I don't know - here in Newfoundland, it's where are your parents from". (Obviously still not sure where she was going with the conversation).
Her response; "Yes - that may be true - but outside of here, and even after that question is asked here - what is the next question that a person asks you? To get to know you? To decide if they want to be associated with you? If they want to get to know you more?"
Again, I respond; "I don't know, Mary."
Finally the answer - "What do you do?"
And there it was, the beginning of a conversation that has lead to the work ethic that I have today.
"The next question that people ask you after they ask your name is - what do you do? They want to know, how educated you are, how responsible you are, where you are going and where you want to be in your life and in your future. You need to ask yourself if you are going to be happy with the answer that you have to give them when that question is asked - will you be proud of yourself with the explanation that you have for what you are doing with your time and what your plans for the future are."
Now, a person's first response to this conversation may be - Who Cares what others think of you as long as you are happy!?!. But that person would be missing the key part of the conversation.
The key part of that that advice/conversation/statement/question is - "Will you be proud of yourself?"
And my answer at that time - at that moment - was no.
No one aspires to be doing nothing with their lives. There is not a single person who doesn't have hopes and dreams to be something great when they find themselves in the career that is earning their living. No ones goal in life is to be financially insecure, living with the assistance of others.
So, almost immediately after that, I got my job at Downhome. Starting off as a retail sales clerk - went back to school to do Architectural Engineering Technology - and then came back to Downhome as a Advertising Account Manager. A job that I love. Each day I am proud of what I do. 7 years later. And, should that job ever change, or should I want to leave - I have something equally exciting and fulfilling to do as a career.
So - Thank You to my Godmother.
And, I guess my message is that when you hear a good piece of advice - listen to it. Think about it. Make it yours. And, it could be the key to making things a little brighter in your life.
The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself. - Oscar Wilde
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thank God we are a "Have" Province
I wrote this a couple of weeks ago - so forgive the tense - but I had full intentions on posting it as soon as possible.
Sitting here in the emergency room at St. Clare's Hospital, I am taking time to ponder our health care system. I am sure many others have sat where I am, pondering what I am pondering.
I look around at my fellow wait-ers. No one bleeding, no one screaming, no one throwing up, no noticeable distress.
Just a group of people, sitting around calmly, listening to a low volume news cast, reading a thick book, sneaking a look at their mobile, etc., etc. A sniffle here and there is heard - but no proff of ailment since it is freezing outside.
Firstly - I should say why I am here. In short, while preparing supper tonight, I sliced halfway through my finger with a corrugated bread knife. After cleaning and dressing it myself - and waiting a couple of hours, I decided I should pop up to talk to people who know this sort of thing when I started getting sharp, shooting, nerve pain to the centre of my palm.
That was 6:30 p.m.
It is now 10:30 p.m. exactly. I was triaged right away. Told I needed a few stitches - and that it would take 2+ hours. I left - went home - talked on the phone to my dad - went to a Gordon Lightfoot concert (with encore) - and then got dropped back to the emerg. room.......
My name still hasn't been called. Good news is - when I went to check on where I was too on the waiting list, I happened to be next - whenever that will be.
Good thing we are a 'have' province and Michael Moore thinks Canada has this awesome health care service. The media are kicking the crap out of our Premiere, Danny Williams, for flying to the U.S.A and paying for heart surgery so he could have it right away rather than waiting on a waiting list for god-knows-how-long.
As I look around this "emergency" room - I can see why he did it! And when it comes to your health, and life or death choices - everyone and anyone would choose immediacy over waiting.
Before assuming I am contributing to the problem, remember I am here for a flesh wound - not something that could wait to be dealt with by my family doctor. Although, as the hours creep by, I have to wonder if I an early a.m. appointment with him might be faster.
I would be nice to know, what the process is in a room like this one - obviously there are different levels of emergency - but what are they?
Am I, bleeding through another dressing, on the same level as the teenager with the cough banging away on her blackberry between little "ahems"?
After 5 hours gone by - one would assume I am being categorized on the low end of emergency. But what does that mean? or entail? one can only wonder - and wait.
At 12:25 a.m. - I was called in by a nurse to stitch my finger back together with three stitches.
Sitting here in the emergency room at St. Clare's Hospital, I am taking time to ponder our health care system. I am sure many others have sat where I am, pondering what I am pondering.
I look around at my fellow wait-ers. No one bleeding, no one screaming, no one throwing up, no noticeable distress.
Just a group of people, sitting around calmly, listening to a low volume news cast, reading a thick book, sneaking a look at their mobile, etc., etc. A sniffle here and there is heard - but no proff of ailment since it is freezing outside.
Firstly - I should say why I am here. In short, while preparing supper tonight, I sliced halfway through my finger with a corrugated bread knife. After cleaning and dressing it myself - and waiting a couple of hours, I decided I should pop up to talk to people who know this sort of thing when I started getting sharp, shooting, nerve pain to the centre of my palm.
That was 6:30 p.m.
It is now 10:30 p.m. exactly. I was triaged right away. Told I needed a few stitches - and that it would take 2+ hours. I left - went home - talked on the phone to my dad - went to a Gordon Lightfoot concert (with encore) - and then got dropped back to the emerg. room.......
My name still hasn't been called. Good news is - when I went to check on where I was too on the waiting list, I happened to be next - whenever that will be.
Good thing we are a 'have' province and Michael Moore thinks Canada has this awesome health care service. The media are kicking the crap out of our Premiere, Danny Williams, for flying to the U.S.A and paying for heart surgery so he could have it right away rather than waiting on a waiting list for god-knows-how-long.
As I look around this "emergency" room - I can see why he did it! And when it comes to your health, and life or death choices - everyone and anyone would choose immediacy over waiting.
Before assuming I am contributing to the problem, remember I am here for a flesh wound - not something that could wait to be dealt with by my family doctor. Although, as the hours creep by, I have to wonder if I an early a.m. appointment with him might be faster.
I would be nice to know, what the process is in a room like this one - obviously there are different levels of emergency - but what are they?
Am I, bleeding through another dressing, on the same level as the teenager with the cough banging away on her blackberry between little "ahems"?
After 5 hours gone by - one would assume I am being categorized on the low end of emergency. But what does that mean? or entail? one can only wonder - and wait.
At 12:25 a.m. - I was called in by a nurse to stitch my finger back together with three stitches.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Birds birds everywhere!
I am sure when my significant other bought me my first canary about 5 years ago that he had no idea that it was going to spur a love of bird keeping that is still going to this day.
Ringo, is a Glouchester Crested Corona Canary, a breed which is known for sporting a pretty hip bang across their eyes making them look like a Beatle band member.
Typically, a finch needs to be about a 1/2 a year to a year old in order to successfully reproduce and raise young. Not my pair, at the impressionable age of just three months old they started trying for a family and didn't quit until they were successful (almost to the detriment of Scarlette's health). The second batch resulted in 4 live chicks. Louder and louder they got - and one day when Scarlette was out getting food for their begging I snapped this shot. There are four little almost open pair of eyes staring back in curiosity from that little basket - with their little tuffs of gray hair poking out all over the place.
That first canary, Bert, was adoped from a home with two bully parrotlett's in it that were terrorising the poor guy. He was a male German Roller Frosted Canary - which means that he was like tweety bird with frosted tips and had a helluva song box on him. A few years later, he died, and both myself and my guy were so attached to him he was creamated. (yup that is true).
But the empty cage and the empty feeling were not to be ignored and after a respectable amount of time (maybe about a year) I went and found Ringo.

He is from Montreal and in perfect show form (meaning his legs, feathers, coloration, bangs, crest, and song are in perfect form. We love him.
He has been mentioned in my guys Biography for work and I talk about him all the time. His personality never ceases to make me happy. He sings to rock music at the top of his lungs, spashes around in his little bath, picks at his food, "talks" to anyone who talks to him (canaries are bred for singing which means they are not able to squack or vocalize like some other birds can - so speech is not something that we expect from him).
When my my guys work schedule changed and we were both out of the house, I thought perhaps a mate or friend would be a good solution for him.
Introducing Paris. I called her Paris for two reasons. 1) She is a blonde. lol. 2) I was watching the John Stewart on the Daily Show, he was talking to Michael Moore about his health car Documentary, Sicko. Michael tried to make light of the health care situation in the states by saying that is Paris Hilton is doing ok - then we should all be doing ok - like she is our Proxy. John Stewart stepped in and said "There you have it, Paris Hilton is our canary in the coal mine!". This was the day after I adopted the lil girl canary and it seemed to perfect not to name her Paris.
She was a wild, red factor, german roller mix. Yes I said was, I only had her for a very short period of time before she fell ill and passed away. The sad thing about keep exotics, especially birds, it that once they fall ill there is almost no going back from there. Although I am getting much better at bird keeping and have a keen eye for problems, so I have been able to prevent more than save lately. R.I.P Paris.
The next pair came from a conversation at work. After a trip to Ottawa, which lead to me bringing in my star player, Ringo, to work so that a co worker could look after him for a week and a little bit - a co-worker liked him so much she suggested that I keep him at work. That was never going to happen. Ringo was a member of my family. But I liked the concept.
Bird watching can lower stress levels significantly. There constant chirping, song, movement, and otherwise relaxed and peaceful demeanor have long been in the same catagory as fish for being work place friendly pets. Off in search of other birds I went. Why I was so hell bent I have no idea.
Enter my Zebra Finch Pair, Scarlette and Rhett.
I bought them from a local breeder whose aviary was so cute and quaint, I am pretty sure I will be building on of my own as soon as I can. Rhett is the male, he is the tradition Austrailian coloring for a Zebra finch with his bright orange cheeks, zebra stripes on the neck and upper body, black chest, orange feet and the striped tail feathers that even in the washed out colors stand out. Scarlette is a female Tear Drop Chestnut finch - of the same genre of Zebra but a different color mutation.
They never made it to work. The no pets policy covered even them and I was denied permission. At first, my boyfriend didn't like them, the honked and beeped their way throughout the day and in comparison to the elegant and musical Ringo - they were quite different. But what can I say, they grew on him.
Their chatter, swinging, playing, cuddling, bathing, unison greetings to anyone walking in the room, grooming each other, and just what I came to realise as typical Zebra Finch behaviour charmed us beyond belief and they became members of the family. Little did I know that they were not done surprising us yet.
On our trip to Cuba in November - I left the pair with my mom and her mother to be looked after. When we came back we got them, Ringo, and 5 eggs.
We were shocked! NOw I am not so surprised - after reading that finches live to mate, cuddle, eat, sleep, and play - not necessarily in that order.
The first five never made it :(.
But we didn't have time to feel bad about it before there were 9 more!
The other 9 resulted in what was to take up most of my time and my boyfriends facination for the next couple of months.

This is the progress of about a week or two - they are more aware, and squished, and loud, and I still have no idea how their mother and father managed to get in there and feed them each and every time their yells rang throughout the kitchen. Ringo, had no idea what to think of it all - but I wonder if he did know he was about to be an Uncle soon. They were getting more curious, poking their heads over the edge of the nest peering around, watching their parents, all in a little row.
The row thing didn't stop there. They still do everything together.
Over the period of a few days they had all gotten the courage to jump out of the nest and look about their cages. Needless to say this was an awesome thing to witness and they were downright adorable little grey fluff balls that I just wanted to pet. But refrained.
Here are the chicks. They have none of their coloring here - but you can begin to tell who is who.
And here they are grown. They grew up to be three boys and one girl. Two with the markings of their father, one with gorgeous black cheeks and lines, and the sister is a fawn.
They have been a pleasure and are being adopted by my parents. We will miss them - but something tells me it won't be long before the cycle starts all over again. This time I have my real camera, so I will try and document it a little better.
Ok - done gushing now.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wiccan's and Health Care

So, I was pleased to see an email in my Facebook Inbox with the subject header "Give me your Pagan/Wiccan knowledge!" from a dear friend of mine. The body of the email was a query about how Wiccan's would react to being in a long term hospitalization situation, what would make us most comfortable, what our culture would have us do differently from the health care program, etc etc.
So - since it is a very interesting question and there is not much information out there about Wiccan's and modern health care I thought I would share my answer with you folks as well.
It was as follows:
Pagan's/Wiccan's/neo-Pagans are not a very demanding religion and have a large number of solitary practitioners so I would be inclined to say that a pagan may be more worried about having a positive influence on you rather than making individual demands to make your job more difficult than it already is.
The first thing that DOES come to mind is that we use sacred circles. On our altars they can be actually defined from colored chalk or ash or granulated minerals - but if we travel and need to feel safe a lot of us will cast a "Circle Casting Spell" in the area we wish to feel peace. Now - that circle can have people moving in and out of it at will - so again, that would not pose a huge issue with you and your job techniques.
Sometimes we wear talismans to help focus on what we want to achieve - so a healing stone would probably be worn on the body somewhere.
We have no special diet - some of us are vegans some like meat.
We do use herbs - so the brewing of a special tea would go a very long way.
Some don't mind being visited by clergy - some will not welcome the visit. Even though Wiccan's are overall a positive group of people - there are others who choose a "darker" path - they would be the type to hold a grudge on the prosecution of our religion by Christians in the past.
Another "challenge" you may find with a Neo-Pagan/Wiccan/Pagan is that since there is still a huge misunderstanding of our practices -we may never even tell you to begin with what our belief structure is. If someone was open about it - they may set up an altar - depending on their choice of altar items (for all pagans altar items are individualized and unique) it may pose a sanitary problem - but as previously mentioned if we thought it would cause your body undue stress - we are not likely to do that. As your body being stressed in our area brings negative energy with it - and negative energy is counterproductive to healing.
The practice of The Craft (which covers all "witchy" practices the way Christianity does for RC and Anglican etc.) is more about life than death so it is unlikely that there will be special requests upon dying.
If a Wiccan is not a solitary practitioner - they would have a coven - and covens can cast spells and send positive intentions to anyone anywhere without having to be around them - so large groups of visitors are not a huge issue either.
That is the best I can do with researching it myself some more - but that would be counter productive to you actually asking me as a person. Sorry it is so all over the place - but I typed what I could about what I actually know about.
Since Wicca is such an individual practice it is hard to predict how someone may act as a Wiccan. We have very few rules - and those walking the "darker" path often break them - but are still considered to be members of the religion.
We have our own healing spells - but we are not delusional and will seek professional medical attention if that is needed. There is no chanting and waving over serious disease or wounds. The basis of our religion is to be one with nature - and dying is only seen as the final step of our gift of life and the act of becoming physically one with mother earth as opposed to spiritually one like we are in life.
I would love to see your piece when it is finished - I am especially curious to see what your other resources provide since as a solitary practitioner I am always curious and interested to hear what others think and feel in our religion.
I was pretty pleased with my answer. I later discovered that my friend scored excellent on her paper - so I guess it sufficed. :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Alice! Alice! who the flip is Alice?!
Well – I think I can say without much argument that Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is a theatrical force to be reckoned with.
The record smashing interpretation of the classic children’s tale was filled with color, drama, action, fun and fear is a trip to be made by adults and children alike.
Biggest opening weekend for a non-sequel, biggest opening weekend for a 3-d movie, 6th biggest opening weekend in history - all of these honors go to Alice, and the movie is far from finished with its run.
The only thing about the whole scenario that ruffles my feathers is the “non-sequel” comment.
I have been watching Disney and fairy tale movies since I could sit still on the couch – and in my opinion, Tim Burton’s Alice is indeed a sequel – or something of that sort.
Alice is full grown, the characters keep making reference to her having been around before, the caterpillar talks to her about her last experience in what she referred to as “Wonderland”, she keeps having a reoccurring dream about a rabbit, the official synopsis of the film is reviewed on the Internet Movie Database as Alice's RETURN to Wonderland. (There are lots of other interesting facts about Alice in the database HERE). All of the evidence points to a seqeulesque performance. Am I alone in these observations? Is it being mistaken as what the movie industry call a "Re-Imagining"? Whatever it is, Joe Average watching this film that is aware of the original film would certainly feel as though this is a follow up to the original story.
Now - moving on.
Johnny Depp is an excellent Mad Hatter. He is mad as they come yet completely endearing and sweet.
Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen with her gigantic head was repulsive, interesting, and maybe madder than the Hatter. She works well with her long term fiance, Tim Burton, and brings interest and untraditional beauty with every performance she casts.
The Cheshire Cat was my favorite character that was non-human - that may have been a bit of nostalgia on my behalf. The rest of the cast, Mia Wasikowska, Anne Hathaway, Matt Lucas, Stephen Fry, Alan Rickman, and many others came together to create a masterpeice.
Go see it and enjoy being a kid again!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Music Music
So, ladies and gentlemen - for Christmas this year I was given my first record.
Yes, you heard/read me right.....a record. A vinyl.
This year, while we are surrounded by piracy, digital downloads, P2P sharing, iTunes, download album cards, and last but not least - I found wrapped under the tree looking suspiciously like a wall calendar - a record.
It was the new Dave Matthews Band album - Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King.
I am estatic!
The quality and life of music is becoming shorter and shorter.
People of this file sharing generation have no "Collection" of music - they have their most recent playlist and as many singles as they can possibly download onto their harddrive, whether it be legitimate paid for singles or not.
I was so pleased to see an actual tangible piece of music sitting there :) And I have a feeling this is the beginning of my very own love affair with vinyl and the sound that it offers. Hmmmmmm - now where to find a record player.
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