Monday, August 10, 2009


So - scrap what I said in the last paragraph of my last entry.
After only having Paul(ette) for 24 hours - my co-worker wrote me a facebook message saying that she couldn't take on the challenge and wanted to give Paul back. This was AFTER speaking to her that morning of the 24 hours and hearing that the previous afternoon and night had gone smoothly and without incident.
So, I am unsure what went so terribly wrong in that window of time - but she is living with me again.
I am beginning to wonder if my judgement is clouded.
But as I watched her regain her health and cattiness before my eyes, I thought maybe people are not seeing what I am seeing - and not giving her the chance.
I mean, this little cat was on deaths doorstep the night my beau spotter her - with a cut on her face, asp on her tounge, loss of her voice, loss of her bowels, starving, wounded, dehydrated, injured back legs and a collar barely seen because it was matter so far into her fur it needed to be cut out.
Now she is eating fine, drinking fine, her fur has come into a beautiful soft fluffy coat. She is incredibly loving, learning how to clean herself and getting back the strength she has in her back legs.
Now, granted - she is still having trouble using the litter box all of the time and her back leg will never be at its best - but with a little love and attention most of that can be overcome.
What upsets me most about this whole situation - is that for a month that it was pending for her adoption by someone else, she could have been getting more attention that she was getting. As a precaution to getting to attached to her, I kept in mind that she was someone elses and did only what was neccessary for her to stay comfortable and clean until she was taken. Or I could have been looking for a new home for Paulette for that month instead of having her live in my apartment with limited contact.

Now after about 4 months of doing what I can and having limited time with her - she has been given to humane services here in St. John's. :( This makes me incredibly unhappy - but I was never able to have a pet. I have a canary who is free flying and active and an apartment with no pets permitted. My apartment has had to be professionally cleaned twice.

The solitude that I have taken from this is that the last few months of that cats life were of good quality and comfort with love, food, clean sheets, and warmth of all that I could provide given the circumstances.

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