I grew up in Newfoundland, small communities were my home, and I loved it. BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT I HAVE TO LOVE THE MUSIC! I woke up everyone Sunday morning to "Jigs n' Reels" blasting from downstairs, and if I had the option I think I would have blown up the radio. Why would I want to listen to a static filled radio station thats playing a song by some drunk in Port-Aux-Basque about women in the lavatory, while he is playing his out of tune guitar, with his out of tune voice, on a mic thats duct taped together with a tape deck as his recording gear. There is no way, that is good music. Newfoundland music is meant to be listened to live, it is great then, and I believe it sounds much better then. Every wednesday night I would go to the O.C.T Building, where the local bands would play.
Now I live in Fort McMurray, where all the Newfies are 50x worse, because they feel like they have to make up the distance away from the rock in stronger accents and as over protective nationalists. And I will be damned if I am going to get up on a Sunday morning, and listen to "From the Banks of Newfoundland" on the radio, and then go down and watch "Newfoundland Sportsman".
Yes, I prefer different music, and if you know about that music and don't like it then thats okay. But for someone to look at me and say that the music I listen to is stupid than they can suck my non-existant knob. I am not going to defend the genre I prefer, because thats not the point. The point is that this person knew NOTHING ABOUT IT. This is my house, my computer, my space and I will listen to whatever the hell I feel like. Thank-You.
P.S. please don't think that I am hating on just Newfie Music, it just so happened that it was the topic of discussion today, sorry if i hurt anyones feelings.
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