Monday, March 2, 2009

Safety first??

So - after:
- buying a pair of snowpants I have barely been able to wear because there is no where to walk let alone stay warm while doing it ( I didn't buy them for mountain climbing)
- watching my BF's car slide half way down the street because the road was covered in ice and hadn't been salted even though it had been raining freezing rain since 7:30 the evening before
- many slips and falls on the sidewalks when they are plowed (which is once every 5 or 6 snowfalls)
- several near misses with vehicles while walking because
a) they are driving by you at lightening speed on a street you have no choice but to walk on because there are no sidewalks to be seen for miles
b) of slipping on the bottle bottom ice on the sidewalks because after they have been plowed no salt is thrown on them and sliding into traffic ( I even watched a guy slide under an idling bus and barely made it out of there in time)
- many near misses with other vehicles while driving because it has been snowing for hours and there has been no street cleaning.
- forking out more money than I care to mention on cabs because unless I had steel spikes on my feet or climbing material to get over the unplowed snowbanks that sit on the sidewalks, all of my winter gear is useless for walking to work.
I have come to one and one only conclusion, the City of St. John's does not give a rats ass about the safety of its citizens....ESPECIALLY pedestrians.
We are living in a city where it snows....EVERY YEAR. Sometimes with record snowfalls. And yet, no matter who is in office, how many budget changes are made, how many complaints are lodged, they never seem to get it right.
Now, before you go thinking I am someone who just likes to bitch and complain about things - you need to realise that I am not alone in this level of disgust about our cities street management. As a matter of fact it go to the point where we were a story on a national new station with the reporter noting how many times they were nearly struck by a car on their way from one point to another. (After this news story was placed it was one of the two times this entire winter that there was sidewalk snowclearing).
Here we are claiming to be a "have" province and what that means to use Newfoundlanders, when we are still waiting as average people to see the implications of that statement.
How about we start by plowing the f'ing roads!!! so that getting to and from where you need to go is not a life threatening decision. Lets start there.

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