Monday, May 25, 2009

Jumping into the Summer Movie Pool

You know summer has arrived when Hollywood starts pumping out its big money makers for the year. Not the dramas that are expected to get Oooo'd and ahhhh'd over during the Oscar picks - but the ones that the average person is going to go out and watch, and love, and talk about to all of their friends until everyone they know had gone to see it.
Some of the movies that I speak of are the ones that I have seen (expected to be in the noted money makers for the season)

1.X-Men Origins - Wolverine: Greatly done movie. Keeping true to the story line while filling us in on the mysterious past of the fanboy favorite, Wolverine. Hugh Jackman is awesome to look at for the ladies and the fight scenes and graphics are awesome for the men. What most average movie goers didn't realise is that in order to create a buzz, movie makers put different ending spots after the credits. Different cuts of the same movie. So if you get the chance to watch the last few mins after the credits of a movie besides the one you saw - go for it - it is worth it. These guys Matt and Nat make me look normal in their speel. They also touch on the leaked print of Wolverine - which did impact its box office recordings.

2. Star Trek: I am unsure where to begin about this movie. I had never seen a single episode of Star Trek all the years it was on t.v., not one of the monster hit movies that was released in it's name, or been to any of the conferences, or watched any of the documentary's - and folks - I loved it. I barely knew what a Vulcan was, or a Kilgon (which doesn't make an appearance by the way), and I still get the generations of captains mixed up when I am talking about the story line - and I loved it. It was a new beginning, to a new generation of Trekkies and self-pronounced Trekkers.
There is an interesting take on this newbie-friendly format on The Onion HERE
3. Angels and Demons: Read the book. Period. Dan Brown's writing (once again) was not given justice by this movie. The attempts to tell the movie goer all of the links and mystery and heritage of what they were doing without making it too obvious was insulting to both a movie-goer and a reader.

4. Terminator - Salvation: Simple Awesome. Even with all of the controversy of
Christian Bale bawling off some lighting guy - that never crosses your mind as you are watching this dark portrayal of a delicate future of the Skynet/Cyberdyme era.

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