Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Post, Across the Universe.

I have to share this story because it really touched me. In early fall of 2008 I was walking home from class for my lunch break. And as fate may have it, my timing lead me to meet this man in a wheelchair. As our paths began to cross I could see the trouble he was having moving along. Afraid to offer help incase it was an insult, I chose to say hello, and we stopped to talk.

A short while ago he took a stroke. Dr's said he wouldn't have movement in his right side again. That his face would drop and that he would be confined to a wheel chair. He threw a radio at them and said "Don't dare tell me what I cant do!" With that he took it upon himself to research everything he could on strokes. He started chewing gum and finally gained proper muscle control in his face again. He is able to sit up and has movement in his left leg. He said "By the Jesus next spring I'll be taking my wife to the dance and we'll boogie all night."

His spirit and inner fight reminded me that even when others do not believe you can get better, or when you're body is limiting you from living the daily life you were once accustom too, does not mean you can't prevail. We promised each other that in a few months he'll be walking down the street and that's how we will meet again.

The strange part about this story that still gives me the chills is that this man lives in an apartment complex that I can see from my bedroom window. I since started walking the exact same route in case we meet again. I have yet to see him. Have yet to be able to thank him for the words of inspiration he shared with me that day.

So thank you universe. Thank you kind random man. I believe in you. And I believe in me.
Until we meet again, may the fight continue!

So there you have it my basket of mental apples. My first post. It may sound similar to that of aerosol cheese spray, but too bad. The warm fuzzy feeling is almost as tasty as the cheese factor.

You're first look into the tangled thoughts of Sadie2B


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