Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year's Resolutions, and other promises we are not likely to keep.
It is that time of year where we all make promises to ourselves for changes - most often to better our lives.
Some of us keep them - most of us don't. Some of us don't even bother to think them up, knowing that they will not be fullfilled - most of us do make them with the best of intentions in the first month of so of our new endeavours.
Here is my list of promises to self:
- Learn Spanish. After two trips to Cuba, I have become curious enough about the native language and the conversations that were happening around me to want to know what they are saying. Plus, it is always fun to learn new things.
- Remain debt-free. I am officially debt free at the moment (the fine print to this resolution is the purchase of a house or a car). But, the point is paying bills on time, staying on top of credit cards, etc etc.
- Get back to my original Downhome weight. With the help of my new Wii Fit Plus - this should not be too hard. Also, with the other two following resolutions.
- Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. 3 is the LEAST - I have been paying for a gym membership for 3 years now I am too embarrassed to tell you how many of those days it has not been used. :S.
- Cut out junk food. Junk food includes all things that are not made under my own roof. To maintain control of the ingredients going into my body at all times.
- Correct my posture. Something that has gotten progressively worse since the car accident.
- Finally get my license. This is something that I have been putting off, and have started to do several times, includeing completeing the first 1/2 of driving school. Now is time to get it done.
Now, that may seem like a long list - but I see it as much being a realistic set of goals. All with a common theme to better myself and make my body feel better.
I am just striving to make myself and my life better. There are minor adjustments as well - cut out negativity, get less caught up in drama, make changes to my life to create less stress, be happy, show those I love that I love them, get better at making decisions (especially when those decisions may be of a selfish nature).
I think every person wishes to make themselves just a little bit better, make life a little bit easier, enjoy things just a little bit more. We are our own worse critics - and our ambitions are our own. The challenge is to have the mind set and dedication to successfully make changes, big and small. And hence RESOLVE our current set backs and go into the New Year with a sense of motivation and ambition.
Happy New Year - and I wish you all the best of luck in all of your endeavours.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Drunk Driving and the Holidays.
Public Service Announcements, radio commercials, tv commercials, and art imitating life are not tools that will prevent a person from drinking and driving.
This blog is coming at an appropriate time of a hightened number of drunk drivers on the road, ruining all the fun and making the roads dangerous for the average celebrator who would like to be able to drive home from an evening meal at Grandma's house - without being clipped and killed by Johnny Bing Drinker.
At 2 pm this afternoon we drove past 2 so-slow-they-must-be-drunk drivers and 1 guy peeing in the middle of a two lane street, on a hill, in broad daylight, with cars zipping by. Want to know how many cop cars we drove past from St. John's to Spainyards Bay? ZERO. A big fat zero.
Also, driving from the movie theatre and around the outskirts of the city, looking at Christmas lights, straight through the Downtown on a Saturday night - ZERO cop cars (with the exception of the Paddy Wagon sitting on Duckworth which is always there).
THE ONLY WAY to make drunk drivers stop driving drunk - is to patrol.
To put them straight in jail.
None of this, suspended license (they can just get a cab).
No revoked licenses (again - cab or bus)
THREE times you can drive drunk before you are put in jail! Just think of the ratio of people who are out there driving around on strike one! Or driving without a licenses!!! (because if you are driving drunk - you are surely stupid enough to drive without a license - I mean - they are both breaking the law).
You can't threaten these people with stories of injuries of others (they are too self-absorbed and selfish for that). You can't threaten these people with stories of committing their own death (they don't feel as though they are in any harm - or wouldn't be doing it in the first place - proven by the self absorption that was mentioned above).
You need to threaten their living life - you need to patrol like mad and put them straight in jail. Hence, losing their job, their girlfriend or boyfriend, friends (if they are against drunk driving), home (if they are renting - due to missed payement from being in jail - and lack of payment because of lost job). Punish them in a way that matters.
Threaten their very life as they know it. Then - when they are considering saving the money of getting a cab home there will be no contest.
And do it like wildfire - get out there and arrest dozens of them in a weekend and broadcast their names and the number of catches all over the local news.
Because, lets face it. There will always be people out there pushing the limits, acting irresponsibly. But the goal of the police force ought to be to limit the number of people who are inflicting their lack of responsibility onto us.
The innocent.
The smart.
The fed-up.
When a normal person's holiday plans include making procautions for drunk drivers - things need to change.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Converse Is/Are Awesome! ♥
So this post has been long coming - my love affair with Converse and anything that have to do with Converse needs to be fully disclosed. (Although anyone who knows me well is already privvy to this information).
It all started with my significant other. He has been a die hard fan of the Converse brand his whole life (there are WAAAYYY dated pictures to prove it). One Star suede low-cuts were the standard, as well as the classic black high top Chucks. It is his defining fashion staple - he is known for it - and probably will be his whole life.
I jumped on board WAAAYYYYY later. For a few reasons. 1) I am still not a huge fan of the One Star low cuts - and due to the selection of Converse that were available in this province up until recently - they were the only things available for a long time (pre-Ebay of course). Which brings me directly to my next reason for being late on the fashion freight train 2) the utter lack of exposure and selection of the Converse brand here in NL. The shops out in Burin were filled to the hilt for Diadora, Umbro, Adidas, Nike.....but Converse were not an option. So I missed the earlier marketing flood of the Chucks. 3) I didn't want to seem like a poser. I fought with myself for a really long time about if I liked the sneakers because they were a part of the skate/punk culture I am a part of. I wore Vans religiously, of all styles for the longest time because I had myself convinced that The Con was my boyfriends show choice, not mine, and I was being swayed.
Then.....In the 20 year cycle of fashion started to kick in. And when I travelled I started stumbling on girl Cons. With skulls, and birds, and broken hearts. In purple, pink, aqua, rainbow, houndstooth, pinstripes. As it got closer to the resuragence mark of that era of fashion - the more options there were.
Now - I am in love with them! Converse sandals, dresses, shirts, hoodies, and most importantly....Chucks.
These are my most recent addition:
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Misinformation in an age of information.
Hearty debates and conversation are all well and good in an atmosphere where you can fact check if you feel as though what you are told may be incorrect or twisted for effect by the teller. But, when you are in a place where internet access is nil, television content is monitored, and books are controlled for content, you have to be aware that the information you are giving is quite realistically the "be all and end all" of the awareness that the person you are talking to has on the subject.
Why am I babbling about this?
While I was in Cuba - time and time again I heard my fellow Canadians tell tales and give information that was in all senses of the word - incorrect and even to some extent, ignorant.
I am of the opinion that if you don't know what you are talking about - shut up. If you don't have the information or the facts to give a source of information to a person who doesn't know the difference than you should not be talking about the given subject.
Being schooled and forever interested in Architecture, I feel as though I know a thing or two about it - so when I approached our lobby bar one morning and heard someone (judging by their accent, from Ontario somewhere) tell the bartender who was listening with their mouth hanging open, that they were facinated by Havana because Canada has NO OLD BUILDINGS IN IT, I was appalled.
First of all - the bartender obviously thought that we were living in a new age enviornment, stark of history or culture, and then was of the opinion that Canada has only new facades and skyscrapers dotting its landscape in the way that someone from North America would picture New York. Which is completely incorrect.

The oldest church in North America is rumoured to be right here in Newfoundland - located in Carbonear.
Anyway, before I get too carried away with the subject - I guess I am airing another pet peeve. It happens all the time, all around us, and it is probably the cause of origin for the saying:
"Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see"
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Blackberry Blog
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I could not help noticing the stricking resemblance - which is why I had to take a picture of this while I was in Cuba.
After looking at the evidence - I can only conclude - that Roly Poly has drifted through the ages - only to land in my Significant Others house as his beloved childhood toy.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Viva Cuba!
It. Was. Great!
The flight started with swing music and champagne. Followed by a movie, small wrapped hot towels, great food and drinks all included in the flight.
We flew into Cuba without incident, smooth landing, nice airport, and a bus awaited us, expecting our arrival (key difference from our last landing).
Crossing bridges, driving by couples holding hands, filled busstops, goats, chickens, bulls, horses, gorgeous flowers, palm trees, people selling thier wares to passing vehicles, eagles, turkey vultures, cows, billboards yelling about revolution, street signs, sculptures, and a breathtaking landscape. Bliss.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Geek is the New Chic.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Halloween Success!
If you were a true perfectionist this could get costly. Going out and hiring a professional to man the sewing machine is the most pricey – down to those generic, 3 piece costumes you can buy just about anywhere that you know every other person bought at the last minute so they would not feel stupid about going to a costume party in t-shirt and jeans.
Thrift stores are to the rescue for the costumer that wishes to be original and accurate in their persona of choice. Another person’s junk is the ultimate costume treasure. Hats, scarves, ties, shoes, pants, shirts, underpants, suspenders, belts, coats, furs, monocles, glasses – all that look as though there is no way on God’s green earth that they were ever a day to day part of someone’s wardrobe. But they are perfect for you.
My costume of choice this year was for my guy. He aspired to be the ever horrendous new rendition of the Joker, played by the late Heath Ledger this year in The Dark Knight. Checklist goes as follows; a green patterned dress shirt, a green tie, a green suit vest, a purple suit jacket with red lining, a purple pair of pants, a purple trench coat with a red lining, a pair of plain black dress shoes, and a pair of patterned socks.
To my delight, all regular clothing items. So off searching I went to our local thrift stores. First was the tie $1.99, next was the vest $2.99, then the perfect purple trench coat at $6.50. Off to the next thrift hunting ground. The shirt showed itself for an even $2.00, and then as if it was just waiting for me a purple pants suit – both pieces $8.00. The whole ensemble cost less than 20 bucks.
Being crafty – I went and bought a couple of meters of red fabric from the bargain section of a fabric store and glued it to the insides of both of the coats, dug out a pair of socks that I owned and a pair of his oldest dress shoes. For the face, black eyeliner, red lipstick, and cold cream. For the hair I took green food coloring and mixed it with water and sprayed it in his gelled back hair. He was the movie picture of perfection, and all for under 25 dollars.
Standing there, shoulders hunched, licking his lips, asking me “Why so serious?”, I couldn’t help but smile my own twisted smile at the perfectly gruesome creation that cost almost nothing and gave me a great deal of joy making.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Update to Air Canada Fiasco
Ms. ******,
You have reached Air Canada Vacations. This confirms that we have received your correspondence.
Air Canada Vacations’ commitment is to respond to all customers’ concerns within a timely manner following receipt of a letter. Your file will be assigned to a designated representative at Customer Relations. Our current processing time may take up to 8 weeks. You will receive a written response once their investigation is completed. It is not necessary to contact us again. We will do our utmost to respond at the earliest.
We thank you for your understanding while waiting for a subsequent response.
We thought - ok - they are going to look into it....lets be patient and wait and see what is done in response to our concerns.
The NEXT day (September 18th) we get a letter back from Vivianne saying the following:
Mrs. ******,
We have reviewed your correspondence. We can certainly appreciate the inconveniences you may have experienced with respect to the overbooking of flight AC1820 leaving Montreal en route to Varadero on November 22nd, 2008. Allow us to explain that as a tour operator, flight operations (delays, cancellations, rerouting, overbookings, etc.) remain beyond Air Canada Vacations’ jurisdiction. We are unable to provide you with any explanation and/or information regarding that situation as we do not have access to Air Canada’s records. We have therefore forwarded your letter to Air Canada’s Customer Relations for their response. A representative from their service will respond to you directly.
Should you wish to contact Air Canada directly, their email address is:
Thank you, Mrs. ******, for taking the time to write. We hope that your next travel experience will be pleasant and carefree.
Relations Clients - Customer Relations
They obviously didn't even take the time to read the whole letter which went on to explain that our problem was not with service interruption of flights....but all of the problems that we had afterwards! We even quoted their terms and conditions line where they say they will do whatever they can to make a situation right even if it is not their fault.....and that they are responsible for transportation directly to the resort!!!
So I wrote back that same day:
Mrs. Angers,
Overbookings may very well be beyond your control as a tour operator; however, our problem lies in the blatant, continued disregard for the level of service required thereafter and our over all well being.
I quoted several of Air Canada Vacations terms and conditions stating Air Canada Vacations will take measures to correct the issue even if it in their error, and in your response you are saying the exact opposite.
I hope to hear back from you soon with a response that is relevant to the several complaints and concerns that I had NOT with Air Canada flights – but with Air Canada Vacations and its customer service, or lack thereof.
Only to get back SEVERAL days later (September 24th) a carbon copy reply of the first response:
We regret to read that our response was unsatisfactory. As per the procedures, we have reopened your clients' file for further review.
Your file will be assigned to a designated representative at Customer Relations. Our current processing time may take up to 8 weeks. You will receive a written response once their investigation is completed. It is not necessary to contact us again. We will do our utmost to respond at the earliest.
We thank you for your understanding while waiting for a subsequent response.
What is going on over there!!!!! First they say they are going to investigate, then they pass blame, then they reply back with the same response that they are going to investigate...again!
Maybe I am being harsh, but I sincerely feel as though this is simply not good enough for a national travel agency and I feel as though I am going to take it a step further.
Wish me luck - comments and story sharing are welcome - my goal is to prevent more people from having to pay good money to be neglected and treated like garbage.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
A rekindling of faith in good customer service!
I have been finding lately that good customer service is EXCEPTIONALLY hard to come by these days - as most people will find from following the Blog ishopandtell or tweeting on ShopandTellNL..
So you can imagine my stress with the anticipation of similar events happening to our carefully planned going away lunch for a long employed co-worker.
Due to an extra heavy workload - we had to be sure that we could get out to celebrate during the scheduled lunch hour and we have 11 people going with 10 different orders and alterations to order.
Firstly, we faxed off the menu before hand after looking at their online menu options. Secondly, we made them aware that we were showing up at noon and needed for our food to be ready when we got there. Lastly, we are all paying separately so the bills needed to be kept track of.
There was lots of potential to go wrong. I cannot remember the last time I faxed a menu and got my order back correct. The timing on their part had to be spot on to assure that all of our meals, of different mediums and sizes, were ready at noon and none of them cold. Lastly, to keep all of our orders straight as we adjusted them with drinks, coffees, refills, desserts, sides, etc.
Not A Problem.
Upon receiving the fax I barely had time to get back to my desk from the fax machine when my cell was ringing from Shawn - and his only questions were ones of detail that were my own mistake for leaving out of the order information. His phone manner was very pleasant, upbeat, cheerful and quirky and it made me feel less stressed about the whole thing and I started to consider this may be a good choice.
Not only were all of our orders correct with changes - but Shawn (Sean, Shaun) somehow figured out who had ordered what by the process of elimination and our food was out in front of us in no time flat without incident. Not to mention that as each member of our party showed up they were met with their drink order....also correct.
His demeanor was cool and collected (which surprised me since I made a point of saying how time sensitive and important the lunch was)he was the same cheerful, humorous, complimentary self that I had heard on the phone and this attitude kept up the entire meal and throughout billing.
Our drinks were always refilled, our table promptly cleaned, and we were checked upon just the right amount of time. Everyone was having fun and continuously commenting on how professional and efficient our server was.
Time for the dessert orders. There were split orders, split plates, side plates, extra whip cream, no whip cream....the list goes on. And again - everything provided at the right temperature, the right speed, the same smile and the great service.
All of our tabs were kept straight. He remembered the names of the Credit Card payers and thanked them each by name. He was funny about Interact and tactful about cash.
Above and Beyond is how I would describe it.
All 11 people left full, cheerful, and completely appreciative of the great experience we had.
And to top it all off......HE called ME on my work line to thank me for making his day with the positivity and comments that he received from all of us and to welcome us back again.
So - I guess the moral of the story is that a little bit of professionalism, good service and positivity can go a long long long way in the service industry. In the end it brightened 12 peoples day and we will be saying nice things for weeks to come. It is a lesson to be learned for all businesses. Especially those that allow for low standards of service.
Word of mouth is a powerful thing.
Good or Bad.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Air Canada Vacations Fiasco
After trying relentless to get some satisfaction from Air Canada Vacations for their behavior - I wrote a "One-Last-Attempt" formal letter and sent it to all relevant parties.
Because I am still getting no reponse or claim of responsibility I have decided to share my experience with the Web World so as to, in some small way, prevent this from happening again.
It goes as follows:
As I begin planning another trip to Cuba for my boyfriend and I, going out of my way to ensure none of our travel plans this time involve Air Canada, I figured now was as good a time as any to inform you of how detrimental our last Air Canada customer service experience was. Please note that the following story is my own. The italicized portion of the following is copied directly from the terms and conditions stated on the Air Canada Vacations Web site (
This time last year, I booked an all-inclusive Air Canada Vacation to Breezes Bella Costa in Varadero, Cuba through Sell Off Vacations. It was a gift for my boyfriend and our first time making such a trip. Instead of being able to relax and enjoy it, it quickly turned into a nightmare.
We had a connecting flight in Montreal, and upon arriving (on time) to the Montreal airport, we immediately realized that the one and only flight going to Varadero had taken off early, leaving without us. We later found out from an Air Canada Vacations representative in Toronto that this was due to the flight having been overbooked. Upon finding out that the flight had taken off without us, we found our way to the Air Canada Vacations representative in the Montreal airport to find a solution. We were bluntly told that there was nothing they could do for us. Not getting any satisfaction there, we next went to the ticket counter to try to correct the problem and save our vacation. First, we were told that the flight could not be rebooked for another full week. Then, thankfully, we ran into a travel agent (who was also left behind by the same flight) who informed us that we could fly into Cuba that weekend, but only if we flew into Havana and not Varadero. The Air Canada ticket agent said that could be arranged, and that it would be a next day flight. We immediately informed the aforementioned Air Canada Vacations representative of our new plans to successfully fly to Cuba the next day and were unbelievably met with the same, unhelpful, and quite frankly rude reception we had received mere minutes earlier. The unbelievable part had to have been the fact that after we had finally found our own way from a city we had never before been in to a country we had never before been in, we were basically told “that’s great, good luck when you get there.”
Reporting of Incidents
Regardless of Air Canada Vacations liability, any incidents including injuries, service cancellation or problem, or dissatisfaction must be reported to an Air Canada Vacations’ destination representative or Customer Care during the event to allow Air Canada Vacations an opportunity to provide assistance in rectifying the situation.
Since Air Canada Vacations offered us no place to stay besides the Montreal airport (an actual suggestion), we cabbed (costing us $44.00), bussed (another $88.74), and then stood in the freezing cold to stay at a relative’s house in Ottawa. We had earlier arranged to get our connecting flight to Toronto from Ottawa.
In all three airports, I went to the Air Canada Vacations service desks and asked for help in figuring out how we were going to get from Havana to Varadero. One representative told me that it was only 15 minutes away and we could get a bus. Another said that there would be an Air Canada representative waiting for us in Havana, but didn’t know the number to call to let them know that we were coming. Yet another said that it was so close we could walk and then when I asked them to call to let them know that we were arriving a day late, she gave ME the number to Cuba to call on my cell phone. To top it all off, the number turned out to be incorrect!
The travel agent who was stuck in the same situation as us informed us that we needed to talk to someone about our late arrival, in case the hotel gave our room away. We spoke to Air Canada representatives in person and on the phone (hours on the phone) over the course of two days. Yet, when we finally arrived in Havana, Cuba, the travel representative for Air Canada had no idea we were coming, had made no travel arrangements for us to get to our hotel, and in the end just flagged us an unmarked van which he claimed to be a cab and sent us on our way. At a cost of 120 Convertible Pesos (approximately $210 Canadian!), and several hours later, we arrived by “cab” at our hotel only to find out that no one had called to let them know we had been delayed and they charged us for the previous night anyway. After all that had happened, we were at least lucky to still have a room waiting for us.
Prices DO Include
Selected combination of flights, accommodation, airport-hotel transfers at destination and/or car rental, and any other inclusions as specified for product selected as confirmed at time of booking.
So, without any reimbursement, we lost a full day and night in Cuba (including orientation). We had to find our own transportation to our resort, which was also supposed to be included in the vacation package. We had to find our own accommodations in Montreal / Ottawa due to the plane taking off early without us. Our safety was in jeopardy because Air Canada Vacations, after having flown us into Havana and not our original destination of Varadero, left us to our own devices to get to where we needed to go without us knowing a word of Spanish.
It is simply not acceptable.
And now, trying to plan another getaway has the added stress of our last experience and of the complete disregard shown by Air Canada Vacations for its customers and its customers’ safety. I feel as though this mistake is very serious and I would like to think it can somehow be corrected. It should also never happen to anyone else ever again. For more information, I can be reached by phone at *** *** **** or by email at ********* I do hope to hear from you soon.
Mental Apple
Please consider this circumstance while booking with Air Canada Vacations as they are adamant that none of what happened had anything to do with them and are sticking by the fact that their service was of exceptional value!
Thanks for reading.
Monday, August 10, 2009
After only having Paul(ette) for 24 hours - my co-worker wrote me a facebook message saying that she couldn't take on the challenge and wanted to give Paul back. This was AFTER speaking to her that morning of the 24 hours and hearing that the previous afternoon and night had gone smoothly and without incident.
So, I am unsure what went so terribly wrong in that window of time - but she is living with me again.
I am beginning to wonder if my judgement is clouded.
But as I watched her regain her health and cattiness before my eyes, I thought maybe people are not seeing what I am seeing - and not giving her the chance.
I mean, this little cat was on deaths doorstep the night my beau spotter her - with a cut on her face, asp on her tounge, loss of her voice, loss of her bowels, starving, wounded, dehydrated, injured back legs and a collar barely seen because it was matter so far into her fur it needed to be cut out.
Now she is eating fine, drinking fine, her fur has come into a beautiful soft fluffy coat. She is incredibly loving, learning how to clean herself and getting back the strength she has in her back legs.
Now, granted - she is still having trouble using the litter box all of the time and her back leg will never be at its best - but with a little love and attention most of that can be overcome.
What upsets me most about this whole situation - is that for a month that it was pending for her adoption by someone else, she could have been getting more attention that she was getting. As a precaution to getting to attached to her, I kept in mind that she was someone elses and did only what was neccessary for her to stay comfortable and clean until she was taken. Or I could have been looking for a new home for Paulette for that month instead of having her live in my apartment with limited contact.
Now after about 4 months of doing what I can and having limited time with her - she has been given to humane services here in St. John's. :( This makes me incredibly unhappy - but I was never able to have a pet. I have a canary who is free flying and active and an apartment with no pets permitted. My apartment has had to be professionally cleaned twice.
The solitude that I have taken from this is that the last few months of that cats life were of good quality and comfort with love, food, clean sheets, and warmth of all that I could provide given the circumstances.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
IN keeping with the animal updates...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
New Addition to the Family.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
First Post, Across the Universe.
A short while ago he took a stroke. Dr's said he wouldn't have movement in his right side again. That his face would drop and that he would be confined to a wheel chair. He threw a radio at them and said "Don't dare tell me what I cant do!" With that he took it upon himself to research everything he could on strokes. He started chewing gum and finally gained proper muscle control in his face again. He is able to sit up and has movement in his left leg. He said "By the Jesus next spring I'll be taking my wife to the dance and we'll boogie all night."
His spirit and inner fight reminded me that even when others do not believe you can get better, or when you're body is limiting you from living the daily life you were once accustom too, does not mean you can't prevail. We promised each other that in a few months he'll be walking down the street and that's how we will meet again.
The strange part about this story that still gives me the chills is that this man lives in an apartment complex that I can see from my bedroom window. I since started walking the exact same route in case we meet again. I have yet to see him. Have yet to be able to thank him for the words of inspiration he shared with me that day.
So thank you universe. Thank you kind random man. I believe in you. And I believe in me.
Until we meet again, may the fight continue!
So there you have it my basket of mental apples. My first post. It may sound similar to that of aerosol cheese spray, but too bad. The warm fuzzy feeling is almost as tasty as the cheese factor.
You're first look into the tangled thoughts of Sadie2B
Celebrity Crushes.
GORDON: "Really, did I? Well can you tell her I meant it? Jean Phillipe, can you please escort these ladies back to plastic surgery"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
An Irish Wedding

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sketchy Sista
Sis, is a master with a stick of charcole - I mean - give her a burnt peice of wood and a flat surface and she can make it into a masterpiece Across the Universe Style.
I have posted this widget for you to see for yourselves :)
I am so proud of her - at least she has the sense to make money from her talent - unlike my less intelligent romantic way of giving the stuff away :p.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sound and Awe
I mean - really, it is a talent that is to be reckoned with.
The ability to think up and create music - and not only that - but to find the perfect words to accompany said music. And not only have them be perfect for you - but for thousands/millions of people who adopt your words as a description of themselves and their feelings.
To think and feel in notes! I mean - what must that be like?
To combine sounds and rhythms that are unique and identify you and what you want to express to the world!
Simply awe inspiring.
I am sure I am not the first - nor will be the last to be inspired by the sounds of U2....but I do think it is harder to find music that impacts and impresses theses days.
Especially since every second song on the radio is a remake/remix/sloppy sample of songs from our past. Africa, Sha-na-na-na, Blue da-ba-de, Spin Me Right Round, the one by Phil Collins, David Bowie's Space Oddity, and Major Tom - the list goes on and on. Britney Spears can't sing a single song with out saying Oh Baby Baby - which, correct me if I am wrong, is the muttering that launched her onto the tarmac 10 years ago (someone should tell HER about the 20 year rule).
I mean - I know in fashion they say that trends and items rotate around every 20 years - but that should not apply for music.
I am all about vintage - but when you are struggling to hear one unique sound - one unique lyric - one unique presence - it is saddening.
But - back to the positives - bands like Newfoundlands own Hey Rosetta! are still doing their own thing - and we still have artists like Dave Matthews Band and Neil Young releasing new albums for us to enjoy.
And I am still holding out hope for this generation of radio listeners that something worthwhile comes their way!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My Horizontal Life; A Collection of One-Night Stands

No, I am not talking about myself - sorry to disappoint you.
I am talking about Chelsea Handler's book of the "one nighter" type experiences.
The first book I have read in under 2 days in a long time, it caught my attention mostly because it was not what I thought it was going to be.
In a writing of accounts that reminded me of Tucker Max, I was regaled with experiences of stained panties (a word Chelsea hates because it sounds like a word a pedophile would say), midgets (as she likes to call nuggets), people of different origin and race, and every profession imaginable. Chelsea painted the hilarity of a situation that a chick can get herself into with a healthy sex drive and some beverages.
Being fueled by alcohol, admitted shallowness and an odd gaggle of friends of the same lifestyle, Chelsea finds herself time and time again in a situation that lowers the bar of "hit-bottom" and surprises even herself each and every time.
But, there is no remorse, felt by her OR anyone reading this book. All that can be done is to laugh.
This is definitely a book that I would recommend to any chick just looking for a light-hearted read about Girls Behaving Badly (the name of one of the shows Chelsea was a star on). If nothing else it will make you feel a little better about some of your own life choice - depending of course - and if it doesn't maybe you should write a book of your own :oS.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Jumping into the Summer Movie Pool
Some of the movies that I speak of are the ones that I have seen (expected to be in the noted money makers for the season)
1.X-Men Origins - Wolverine: Greatly done movie. Keeping true to the story line while filling us in on the mysterious past of the fanboy favorite, Wolverine. Hugh Jackman is awesome to look at for the ladies and the fight scenes and graphics are awesome for the men. What most average movie goers didn't realise is that in order to create a buzz, movie makers put different ending spots after the credits. Different cuts of the same movie. So if you get the chance to watch the last few mins after the credits of a movie besides the one you saw - go for it - it is worth it. These guys Matt and Nat make me look normal in their speel. They also touch on the leaked print of Wolverine - which did impact its box office recordings.
2. Star Trek: I am unsure where to begin about this movie. I had never seen a single episode of Star Trek all the years it was on t.v., not one of the monster hit movies that was released in it's name, or been to any of the conferences, or watched any of the documentary's - and folks - I loved it. I barely knew what a Vulcan was, or a Kilgon (which doesn't make an appearance by the way), and I still get the generations of captains mixed up when I am talking about the story line - and I loved it. It was a new beginning, to a new generation of Trekkies and self-pronounced Trekkers.
There is an interesting take on this newbie-friendly format on The Onion HERE
3. Angels and Demons: Read the book. Period. Dan Brown's writing (once again) was not given justice by this movie. The attempts to tell the movie goer all of the links and mystery and heritage of what they were doing without making it too obvious was insulting to both a movie-goer and a reader.
4. Terminator - Salvation: Simple Awesome. Even with all of the controversy of
Christian Bale bawling off some lighting guy - that never crosses your mind as you are watching this dark portrayal of a delicate future of the Skynet/Cyberdyme era.
The other view from here...
I am not all about family. I never have been.
I am not one who thinks that blood in thicker than water - and that being related to someone gives you a free pass to do and say whatever rude and dispicable things you want and be forgiven for them.
I have tried to be family oriented - if for no other reason than to try and simulate the atmospheres that I have seen and been engulfed by in other situations in my life. It just doesn't work for me.
I will tell you one thing that I do know for certain - that I love my IMMEADIATE family - with all of my heart - and those that love them, I love, and those that hurt them, I hate. No matter what tie someone has to them on the branch of a family tree - everyone is subject to the same claus.
I think I am lucky as one girl can get with a sister that I have so much in common with - but is independant enough to give me a different veiw when I need one.
I am happy to have a brother who wears his heart on his sleeve and is careing and kind in every aspect of the word - even when he tries not to be.
A father - who is my hero hands down - who has shown me strength in silence and a level of admiration for change and will power.
And last but not least - a mother - who is a role model of strength, self sacrifice, drive, ambition, creativity and intelligence.
All four of these have flaws - they are human - and everyone does.
But I love them unconditionally through thick and thin and I will be there for them no matter how much time passes between us talking or hanging out.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A Little Late for a New Years Resolution..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Shortchange Meat and Cheese
You know, sometimes I can be a nice person.. really, just ask some of the people that know me. Sure I can be a bitch, and say some pretty fucked up stuff, but seriously.. I am a nice person. Then there are those other times; the times that make people think "how has this person not been shot down with a lightning bolt, or burned in the flames of the dark? because I am pretty sure that somewhere out there, there is a hand basket with my name on it, and some of the people reading this will be carrying it while someone else is driving the bus straight down to the depts of H-E-double hockey stick.
For the sake and humanity of others I will all give you some pretty screwed up nicknames. I have no stories behind these names, or even a reason.. but lets just go with it.
This is a just a few stories that I hope will make you laugh, or smile. And if neither of those occur... than I am sure you will just hate me a little bit more.
Shortchange Meat and Cheese:
A couple of weeks ago I met up a couple of friends to go out and "celebrate" shortchange, while this may be a regular occurrence for most people in Fort McMurray, it was all new to me. I, the designated driver even when drinking occurs at my own house, was not prepared for the night ahead.
Around 8 o'clock I went to a friends house, lets call her "Logic", and since half the streets near her house didn't have signs or names, and I got lost a couple times on the way there, I was pretty damn happy when I pulled in the driveway. Tonight was not the night for myself to be the DD, no sir, so I cracked open the hard liquor, a.k.a Bacardi breezers, and drank myself a stiff one. Safe to say I am pretty much the cheapest drunk in history, because after the first one I was feeling the warmth and loving it.
Now you might all be thinking "what kind of fruit basket gets drunk off one old breezer?", and I will let you know that once upon a time, in a magnificent town called "George street" I use to be able to drink like I fish, I was illegal and loving it, then I got legal age and old and now I just can't do it anymore.. Fort Mac has ruined me.
I am on my second hard one when the other friend that we were waiting on shows up, lets call her Q, and then Logic gets this bright idea to give us the house tour. The house, as beautiful as it is, was my worst enemy. All those stairs and ups and downs and walking. I just wanted to sit and smile. Logic finishes up the tour, I compliment her, in what I am sure was in incoherent sentence, and then us being cool and working for an oil company decide to call the "special line" to get us a cab a.s.a.p.
With the cab called, and the jackets on, there is only one thing left to tackle... the boots. Now these boots did not have a heal, or laces, or anything to make them complicated, but they did NOT want to go on my feet! I don't' know if I was putting them on wrong, or if my feet grew a couple inches. About 5 minutes later I was standing on two feet (in boots), plastered, and on my way out the door.
10 minutes later we are in Paddy McSwiggins and we meet the fire guys there. There is nothing really all that interesting that happens for the rest of the pub, besides the fact that when we went to leave we practically had to put Mr. EMT on a lease to keep him from wandering off and to keep focused on the exit sign. Outside its cold, and even the amount that I drank in the pub can't keep me warm, who ever says drunk people can't get cold is a liar mcfibberson, because there was snow on the ground and frost bite on my ears and nose.
The group of us then decide to walk to Whiskey, which is about 10 minutes away from the nice warm pub that we are now standing outside of with taxis all around us. On the way there I am pretty sure the alcohol and cold has put me into anxiety because I got a killer pain in my chest, and what does Logic, Mr.EMT, and the rest of the crew (who are also trained in emergency) do? nothing. Finally after what seemed about 5 heart attacks and a couple lifetimes later we get to whiskey, its crowded and smelly inside and I start thinking "man... I left paddys for this? they better have good drinks here".
After about my 3rd or 4th drink the DJ gives notice at last call. Q then disappears like the end of the world is coming. Next thing I know she has 6 drinks with her and in her eyes the night is nowhere near over. at this point I am practically ready to pass out but I am afraid to touch the table with my face or fall on the floor.
Then... it was like the epiphany, everything around us was quiet and the next thing said was like words from god himself:
Q: We need a pizza... *arms forming a circle in front of her* this big!
From that point everything was dropped and the next thing I know Mr.EMT is trying to find himself in a fight and we are all nomading to the nearest pizza place. So we start walking and realize that it is too freaking cold out to be at that shit and hail a cab.
Us: We are going to Joma's. (which we could see from where the cab picked us up)
Cabbie: You must mean Cosmo's (which is a really shitty pizza place about 10 minutes away)
30 seconds later we are piling out of the cab, I am sure one of us or all of us chucked him some money, even though I don't even think the bastard turned on his meter, and into joma's we go.
Logic is the first to order, and things go way to smoothly for our drunk liking. next up is Mr. EMT, and now if you think I was plastered, this guy was me x 10.
Mr. EMT: I want a donair
Pizza Guy: What kind?
Mr. EMT: Yes
Pizza Guy: I said what kind.
Mr. EMT: Oh.. Cheese.
Pizza Guy: What kind of sauce?
Mr. EMT: Yes
Pizza Guy: What kind of sauce do you want?
Mr. EMT: Oh... Both.
And then he walks away, don't' pay for it, don't order a drink, not another word. Next is my turn, I try to make it as easy on the Pizza Guy as possible, after the fiasco with Mr. EMT i think he deserves at least one sane person to place an order, and I decide that sane person is going to be me. To make it simple I order the same thing as the guy before me, add two waters to it and pay for it. Then... then the best thing of the night occurs.
See Q is from fuck knows no where in the middle of a rock (that we all love) called Newfoundland. Donairs are a specialty not well known in this neck of the woods, so she didn't really know what she was getting herself into
Pizza Guy: what would you like?
Q: What do you got?
Pizza Guy: Anything you want, what do you want?
Maryanne: She will have the same thing as Mr. EMT and I
Q: NO I WON'T, what do you got?
Pizza Guy: we got donairs
Q: okay I will take one of those
Pizza Guy: What kind?
Q: I don't know? I want meat and cheese
Pizza Guy: so a donair
Q: meat and cheese
Pizza Guy: you want sauce
Q: meat. and. cheese.
So after Pizza guy took a hint, made up an order for her, and we all got our food, went over and sat down. Mr. EMT doesn't even have one bite taken out of his food and he is already trying to start a fight with some random guy across the seating area. Logic takes this as a time to use her good looks, femininity, and smarts to good use and goes over to talk to the guy that Mr. EMT was acting like a douche bag to, because seriously.. this guy was humungo. So Logic saves the day. After this, its all pretty black to me, I am sure I was happy, but I was drunk and I don't really remember anything. next thing I know I am at my house, walking up my stairs and passing out in my bed. The next day alot came into focus, like somehow Logic had lost her cell phone, and realized that she was going around all night with her price tag hanging off her jacket, Q had abandoned her car outside Logics house and I had a revelation that said "Maryanne you have a huge headache and a pain in your chest, don't drink ever again".