Thursday, February 5, 2009

The 3 C's of being sick

Why does no one understand the concept of staying home when they are sick anymore?

*it should be noted that I am writing this entry from home, on my couch, with the heat on crank and a soft tissue shoved up my nose to keep the never ending flow of mucus at bay*

I mean - I do understand that it is a little loss of money in a world where there isn't much - however - this worker mentality has started long before our recession.

People coming to work sneezing, snotting, coughing their way through a work day - touching door handles, paper, coffee cups, paper towel dispensers, your desk, and the list goes on depending on the workplace environment.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not dissing good work ethic and the love of a person's job - I just find that MOST of the people who show up are truly miserable in what they are doing and are unproductive in doing it when they are sick. So the company suffers, they suffer, I simply don't understand it. It seems so simple to decide to stay home for 1 or 2 days and get better rather than go to work and not get rest, take twice as long to heal, and make everyone around you sick while you are at it.

I get that everyone is a cog in the wheel - but most of us are not so important that taking a sick day is going to lead to the end of the company we work for as we know it.

So - Today I am reminding people of the 3 C's of staying or getting healthy while sick.
  1. Cleanliness - always wash your hands while touching things at work, not in a crazy way, just consistently especially if you are handling alot of paper that is being handed to you or are frequenting other peoples work area.
  2. Containment - STAY HOME, when you realise that you are sick it is important to stay home and get better rather than coming to work and spreading germs throughout our workplace and to your coworkers
  3. Care - Take Care of yourself. Before you get sick, drink lots of orange juice, dress warmly, eat healthy, be active - all of these things lead to preventions. AFTER you get sick, keep warm, rest, eat foods that are good for you and will help with a speedy recovery.

It is not rocket science people - just good old fashioned common sense.

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